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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dora Hall imagine

Thousand Island

A thousand island is a chain of island to the north of Jakarta's coast. It is forms the only regency of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. It consist of string of 110 island stretching 45 km north into the Java sea.
A decree states that 36 island may be used for recreation, of this 36 island only 13 island are full developed : 11 island are home to resort and 2 island are historic part. 23 island are privately owned and aren't to open the public. The rest of the island are either uninhabited or support a fishing village.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Rafflesia Arnoldii

Padma giant ( Rafflesia Arnoldii) is an obligate parasitic pant knowing for having very large flower, event is the biggest flower in the world. He grow up in a network of vines (lianas) tetrastigma and do not have leaves that can not photosynthesize. Naming the giant flower apart by the history of discovery is not the first time 1818 in the tropical forest of Bengkulu ( Sumatra) somewhere near the river Manna , Lubuk , South Bengkulu. Bengkulu known the world as the land of Rfflesia of earth.
A guide who works at Dr. Joseph Arnold who discover the first giant flower. Dr. Joseph Arnold itself when it is participating in the expedition led by Thomas Stamford Raffles. So naming flower Rafflesia Arnoldii is based combination of the names of Thomas Stamford Raffles as an expedition leader and Dr. Joseph Arnold as the inventor of interest. This plant is endemic plant of Sumatera island especially the southern art ( Bengkulu, Jambi, and South Sumatera).

 Kerinci Seblat National Park is an area of major conservation of is species.  This type, together with the other members of genus Rafflesia, threatened status due to devastating devorestation. In java patma grow only one type of parasite , Rafflesia patma.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fashion Lady Cute

Hydrolgic Cycle

The rain process is the fall of the rain water from the cloud to the earth. At first the rain water comes from a source of water such as sea water on earth, river water, lake water, water reservoir, and so forth. In addition to the aforementioned water, the water evaporates into the air can also be derived from the human body ,animal, plants, and others object, that contain water.

Water are generally undergo a process a evaporation due the exposure to the sun's heat. Evaporated water/steam into the air and eventually floated to continue to move toward the high cloud with water vapors others. At high vapor cloud is undergoing a process of compaction or condensation to form clouds. With the help to the wind clouds can move here and there either vertical , horizontal and diagonal.

Do the wind or moving air is also cloud under meet each other and grow toward the sky/ earth's atmosphere where the temperature is low or cool  and eventually from ice and water droplets. Due the weight and not capable of sustained wind eventually water droplet or ice that fall to earth surface. Due to the lower temperature the higher the from of ice or snow melt into water, but if the temperature is very low than  it will remain as the snow felt.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ubud Bali

Ubud is remarkable in the middle of the Bali Island. For more than a century it has been in the island preeminent centre for fine arts , dance and music. While it once was a haven for scruffy backpackers, cosmic seekers, artists and bohemians. Ubud is now a hot spot for literati, glitterati, art collectors and connoisseurs. Famous names walk it busy sidewalks everyday. Elegant five stars hotel and sprawling mansions now stand on it's outskirts, overlooking the most prize view in Bali.

Nonetheless, Ubud is still popular with backpackers, mystics and all the finest fringe element of global society. Ubud is now ruined. Its character is too strong to be destroyed. It still draw people who add something , people who are actively involved in art , nature, anthropology, music, dance, architecture, environmentalism, "alternative modalities" and more.

Ubud is arguably the best place to use as a base if you are visiting Bali, if you are looking for culture, comfort, natural and inspiration. Ubud is surrounded by most of things that bring people to Bali , scenic rice field, small villages, art and craft communities, ancient temple, palaces, rivers, cheep accommodation and unique luxioury hotels. And it's central location it makes easy to get from Ubud to the mountain , beach , and major towns.


Pomegranate (Delima)

Pomegranate The fruit that it is mention By Allah SWT in Al-Qur'an and he makes the fruit heaven. And modern science has come to reveal to us that there are few secret in this remarkable fruit and explained to us the benefits.

Studies explain that the pomegranate modern beneficial for many diseases, and among the most recent research is what is revealed by the U.S and European scientists on pomegranate benefits for pregnant women and mothers. Pomegranate is most rich in antioxidant, and is also rich in vitamin and minerals that are easily absorbed.

The researches confirm that consuming pomegranate , pomegranate with e level every day for a month , for example or more would be benefits  for treatment of anemia arthritis , and rheumatoid arthritis , in addition to other benefits that extend to the heart and arteries , in which he treated hardening of the arthritis and prevent stroke with a variety in species.

There is no other study that confirmed that pomegranate protects a person from cancer, and he is an urgent need for toddler, breastfeeding women, young , adult, and children.
Actual medical benefits that God save in fruit show the importance of this fruits, and not means that the need for treatment of the dwellers of heaven.

Did you Know :Flower Tulip Legacy Ottoman Turkhish Islamic Caliphate

Tulip always identified with the Dutch state, Thousand of tourist come to Netherlands just to admire the beautiful flowers and brightly colored, which is widely grown in the garden of the windmills country. City of Keukenhof in the Netherlands even annually visited by about 800.00 people for all over the world who want to see the beauty of tulip in various tulip festival held every years in the city. Now wonder there are many people who think that the tulip is flower natif from Netherlands.

Tulip actually not a native Netherlands flowers , because these flower actually came from central Asia and the Netherlands actually indebted to the Islamic Caliphate Ottomans in Turkey, because the role of the Islamic Caliphate Netherlands is now so famous for tulip interest.

Actual tulip growing wild in central Asia .Turkish people who first cultivated this flower in the early 1000s during the reign of Ottoman Caliphate , especially during the reign of Sultan Ahmed II was instrumental tulip , so the period of Sultan Ahmed III is also known "flowers tulip era"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dream Comes true

Pelayanan Prima

Principles of service excellence :
Service excellence is developed based on the principles of 3 first , we must present Attitude, we must provide Attention, and third , above all customers looking for Action.

Excellence service based on the concept of Attitude covers the following three principles :
  1. Serving customers based on the appearance of a polite and harmonious 
  2. Serving customers with positive thinking  healthy and logical
  3. Serving customers with respect
Excellence service based Attention include five principle :
  1. Listen and truly understand the need of customers
  2. Observed and appreciate he behavior of the customers
  3. Devote full attention to customers
Excellence service based Action include five principles :
  1. Recorded each order customers
  2. Nothing the needs of customers
  3. Reaffirms the need of customers
  4. Expressed gratitude to the expectation of customers want to came back

Marketing Mix

Marketing are group of marketing rick used by the company to achieved its marketing objective in the target market. Formulated the marketing mix into 4P (Product, Promotion, Place, Price).

Is a form of organization offers service intended to achieved the objective through the satisfaction of customer need and wants . Product here can be anything that can be offered to potential customers. specifics and need and desires. Product are all offered to the market for the note , obtained and used or consumed in order to meet the need and desires in the form of physical , service, person, organization, and ideas.

With regarding price mix of strategic and tactical policies such as price level , discount structure , payment terms, and the level of price discrimination between different group of customers . Price describes the amount of dollars to be issued a consumer   obtain a single product and price should be affordable to consumers.

Promotion mix includes a variety of method , namely advertising, sales promotion, face to face sales and public relation. Describe the various ways in which companies in order to sell product to consumers.

A decision concerning the distribution of the ease of access to service for customers. The place were product is available in a number of distribution channels and outlets that allow consumers to easily to obtain the product.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Cat food

Fall out boy (music)

World War II Part II

1940 : French Colony
In 1940 Japan occupied French Indochina as agreed with he government of Vichy although locally there is the French free , and joined the axis power Germany and Italy. This action Strengthens the Japanese conflict with the United States and great Britain which reacted with the oil boycott.

1941 : Pearl Harbor. a U.S participated in the war, the Japanese invasion on Southest Asia on December 7, 1941 Japanese plan commandeered by vice admiral Nagumo Chuichi execute a surprice air attack on Pearl Harbor , the largest U.S naval base in Pasific. Japanes troop faced little resistance and destroyed the port. The U.S immediately declared the war to Japan .
Simultaneosly with the attack on Pearl Harbor , Japan also attack U.S. air base in Philipines .After the attack , the Japanese invaded the Phillipines , as well as a British colony Honhkong, Malaya, Borneo, and Burma in order to master the Dutch East Indies oil field. Throughout the region , and more broadly , felt the Japanese in the time monthly only. United Kingdom heartquarter in Singapore is also controlled by Churchill considered one of the most embarrassing defeats in the story of Britain.

world War II Part 1

World war II officially began raging on September 1, 1939 unti August 14, 1945. But some have argued is already started on March 1, 1937 when the Japanese occupied Manchuria. Until now, the war is the most terrible war even occurred on earth. Approximately 50.000.000 people died in this conflict.
Clock wise from top : Allied landing at Normandy beach, the gates at the Auschwitz consentration camp, the red army the soviet flag over the reichstage building, the explosion the atomic bomb in Hirosima and 1939 military parade in Nuremberg .
Roughly it can be said that the war began when Germany occupation of Poland on September 1 , 1939and ending on 14/15 August when Japan surrendered to the U.S. military, even thought there are actually believes  this war started early.

Asia And The Pasific
1937 : China-Japan War
War conflict began on Asia a few years before the conflict began in Europe. Japan had invaded China in 1931, long before war II began in Europe. On March 1 , Japan appoint Henry Pu Yi as emperor in Manchukuo , a puppet state established by the Japanese Manchuria . In 1937 war had began when Japan took over Manchuria.

Islamic Banking

Islamic banking is banking system based on the implementation of the islamic law. This system is based on the establishment of the islamic prohibition to lend or collecta loan with a loan charging interest (riba), as well as the prohibition to invest in business categorized forbidden . Conventional banking system can not guarantee the absence of these things in the investment , for example in business related to the production f food or drink , media or entertainment business are un islamic, and others.

Although this principle may be applied in the economic history of islam, but only in the late 20th century began to stand up islam bank that applied commercial institutions of private or semi-private in the muslim community in the world.
Already understood convention bank usually grow with the arrival of the colonial. Similarities between the period of colonial occupation with the establishment of these bank in the islamic society justify the opinion that bank are deliberately constructed in order to assist with the control of the colonial economy.

Monday, April 15, 2013





Cold war

Vegetative Artificial Reproduction

Besides plans also can produce by means not married and with the help with human, commonly called artificial reproduction include , grafting, cutting, implant, and ducking.
  1. Grafting 

Commonly grafting plans are decotyledonous plant such as guava, sapodilla, rambutan, mango, orange, and others. Grafting goal is to obtain new plant that bear fruit quickly and nature together with its parent.


Sticking  in corporate part of he body are two different plants. Generally two type of plants that are coupled each has advantage. For example plant rooted of mango, a little fruit , the is firmly rooted , attached to the skin which candidate has mango buds from the steam of plant the bear match fruit but has weak roots.


How this is done with the bend and then bend down the plant steam and branch . On the branches and then buried in the ground will grow roots. Having strong roots branch cut associated with the parent steam. The usual crop are developed with ducking apple, carnation, alamanda, water lettuce, grapes and so forth.

   4. Implant

Basically content with sticking, This way a lot done on cassava and fruit. At first seed planted. Once grow and connected with twigs, of the tree that has fruits with good kind.

   5. Cuttings

Cutting is to multiply the steam pieces, which are planted and the grown in new plant. The pieces should have the books. Mostly done n cassava , sugar cane, hedge, and others.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Asorted Colors



Natural Vegetatif Propagation

New individual that is happening without any human intervention. Reproduction as in the case in several ways, namely :
  1. With cell division , occur in single called plant , unicelluler algae such as chlorella , Clamydommonas.
  2. With spores produce vegetative
  3. By rhizome or root live
  4. By stolen or geragih
  5. With stem tubers
  6. With bulp
  7. With root tubers
  8. With shoot
  9. With adventitious shoot


Biodiversity may occur at various level at life, ranging from low level organism to higher organism.
Example of single called organism to a multicelluler organism, and the level of a organization of the lives of individual through complex levels of interaction, for example , from species to ecosystem.
Broadly speaking biodiversity is devde into three levels namely :
  1. Gene Diversity 
Every lining organism trait controlled by a pair of hereditary factor, one of the male parent and the other from the female parent. This level of diversity can be showed by the variation in species.

   2.  Diversity of species

The diversity is more easyly observed than the gene diversity. This level diversity can be demostrated by the wide range of different species including both group of animal, plan and microba.

  3. Ecosystem Biodiversity

This level of biodiversity can be shown by the variation of ecosystem in biosphere. Example : most ecosystem , tropical forest ecosystem, desert ecosystem, each ecosystem has a unique organism to the ecosystem. Example again , the desert ecosystem in which there is a camel, catus , and tropical forest ecosystem in which there is a tiger.

These three kind of biodiversity can not be separated from one other. All three are considered as a whole or totality is as biodiversity.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Rolling Stone

Michael Buble

Tom Raider

Pet Pack


Recycling is a process make a scrap materials into new material with the aim of the preventing the waste that can actually be something useful, reducing the new material, reduce energy usage, reduce pollution , land degradation, and green house emission when compare to the process of making new stuff.  Recycling is one of the solid waste management strategy which consist of the activities of sorting, collecting, processing, distribution and manufacture of product / materials used. and the main component in modern waste management and the third part in waste hyrarchy process 3R ( reduce, reuse, recycle ).

material that can be recycled waste consist glass, plastic, paper, metal, textile, and electronic. Although similar the composting process generally use waste biomas that can be degraded by nature, are not categoriezed as a recycling process. Recycling is more focused on the waste that can't be degraded by natural naturally by land damage reduction. Broadly speaking, recycling is the process garbage collection, sorting, cleaning, and processing new material for the production process.
On limiter understanding , the recycling process must produced good similar to the original item with the same material .

Friday, April 12, 2013

Saman Dance

Saman dance or Ratoh Jaroe dance is a tribal dance Gayo usually displayed to celebrate important events is custom. Saman dance uses poetry in Arabic and Gayo. Besides this dance usually also displayed to celebrate the bird of Prophet Muhammad. In some literature mentions Saman dance of Aceh was founded and developed by Sheikh Saman. a scholar from the Gayo in Aceh Tenggara. Saman dance by UNESCO is representative list of Intangible culture Heritage of Man in the 6th sission in the Intergovernmental Committee for the protective of the culture Heritage of UNESCO in Bali not object  , 24 November 2011.
Saman dance is medium for the achievement of the massage. This dance reflects the educational, religious, manner, heroism, teamwork, and togetherness.
Before Saman started is mukkodimah or opening, performing a wise old or traditional leader to represent the local community or useful advice to the players and spectators.

Wembley Stadium

The stadium's first turf was cut by king George V , and it first opened to the public on 28 April 1923 . First known as the British Empire Exhibition Stadium .

The stadium's distinctive Twin Towers became is trademark and nickname . Also well known were the thirty nine steps needed to be climbed to reach the Royal box and collect a trophy . Wembley was the first pitch to be referred to as " Hallowed Turf ", with many stadium around he world borrowing the phrase. In 1934 the Empire pool was built nearby.  The wembley collection is held by the National Museum Football . The stadium closed in October 2000 , and was demolished in 2003 for redevelopment . The top of the one

Bermuda Triangle

Mystery disappearance of some ship and aircraft in the region called "Bermuda Triangle" is now exposed. Get ride on the way theories about alien spacecraft, the anomaly time, the giant pyramid of the atlantians , or meterological phenomena.

The Bermuda Triangle is command phenomena of acute gas . Natural gas , as gas produced by boiling water , mainly methane, is the suspect behind the disappearance of several airplane and ships.
Evidence of discovery that brings a new prespective to the mysterious that haunt the world for many years was contained in a report of the American Journal of Physics.
Sanderson found that not only the Bermuda Triangle but the Japanies sea and the north sea are two areas where mysterious event is happening.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Orchid the following characteristic :

  • Having three sepal ( leaf petals ). One of them located on the back facing upward is called the dorsal sepal. 
  • Has three petal (flower petal) are located alternately with green petal . One of which is located bellow the petal shaped like a tongue is called the labellum (lip flower) , making the flowers symmetrical between left and right.
  • Pistil and stamen (the male and female) who joined together in a section called column 
  • Flour sari is usually gathered together in a section is called pollinia. The fruit has seed are very small and many.
  • Flower stalk as is meanders to its growth , depending in one direction of the light source.
The most populer orchid from Indonesia is "moon orchid" who was appointed as the National Interest and nick name Puspa Charm and orchid pouch.


In the city's southeast , near Kampung Rambutan , Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is a whole country in one park . This is 100 hectare park has full scale traditional house for each of Indonesia's provinces , with display of regional handicraft and clothing , and event a mini scale Borobudur. Museums , theatres and an IMAX cinema are scattered throughout the ground , which all command additional entrance fees. Free cultural performance are staged in selected regional house ( usually around 10am) , Sunday is the big day for cultural events , but show are also held during the week.

Taman Mini is about 18 km from the city centre , allow about an hour to get there and at least three hour to look around . To get there , take a coridor 7 bus to the Kampung Rambutan terminal and then a T15 metromini to the park entrance . A taxi from central Jakarta cost about Rp 70.000

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5 Populer Foods in Foreign

Fried Rice

Fried rice , the food main ingredients rice is most populer food in foreign . Fried rice very easy match with addition ingredients such as fried egg , meat and seafood.


Sate, meat stick was known since 19 century can be enjoy with various meat such as chicken , meat , fish and goat flesh. Sate ever be the most delicious food in the world .


Rendang is food from Padang . The foreign news say that rendang is most delicious food in the world. We can see now the restaurant Padang is many in every disrtict it cause the food is delicious.


Gudeg is food from Yogyakarta . The ingredients from fruit three that be served with rice , chicken , egg, tofu , and sauce. Gudeg is known with the sweet taste.


akso is made from meat that refined with less of flour and the shape is cyrcle , and it served with gravy and noodles. Usually is added ketchup  sauce , fried onion and slat of meat.

House of Gold & Bones



Reason why we must consume tofu.
Clearly why we must consume tofu , tofu has peptida soybean it's potentially slowly the cancer cell grow.

Except yhe delicious taste tofu also famous as one of nabati protein source. But te research about this food explain if tofu has bigger the advantage.
The researcher from University of Arkansas in Fayetteville isolate peptida soybean . Isolate is did with lost the oil, fibrous, a carbohidrat from tofu. Then add the peptida that can grow the cancer.The result peptida can slowly the grow up te cancer cell until 73% , heart cancer cell 70% pulmonary cancer cell 60%.

Danau Tiga Warna

Once of interesting tour place that many visited in region The National garden's Kelimutu is Danau Tiga Warna. This lake actually is cauldron the Kelimutu mountain it's located in Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Danau Tiga warna showed the natural unique phenomenon.

Danau Kelimutu include 2 lakes that actually couldron and the located is beside and each the like have different color there is blue , green, and red and sometimes can change be brown , white , and grey. The change of this color to people around the lake have the purpose their self. The best time to visit this place is morning because we can see the sun rice.
The visitor usually lodging in occupation home's that rent by people.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Tmanan Simalem Resort

Taman is the Indonesia word of garden or park and Simalemin the ethnic Batak Karo language means pleasant, the exuberant feeling that visitors experience once they enter the resort.

Located on the north western hills of like Toba, visitors are in for perennial treat or fresh and cool mountain air , the natural unpoilt scenary and breath taking view of the lake. The resort can be reach in 2,5 hours drive from Medan, the provincial capital of North Sumatra.

Within an area more than 200 ha, Taman Simalem resort offers wide ranging activity for visitors. It's home of Indonesia's largest Loquat farm and also North Sumetra largest Passion fruit farm. An extremely changing 9 hole part 34 golf course in set admist coffee and tea plantation. The resort offers a wide range of accomodation from campsites to lodges with like view and cottages in a jungle.

10 Steps to care laptop

Step to care laptop is easy because this laptop not desktop computer. Laptop needs attention so that can use until long time. Laptop is sensitive electronik and if don't take care be carefully it will be broke.

This is tips to take care laptop so can use in long time :

  • Don't Download software from internet
  • Don't be install software that seldom be use and not benefit
  • Don't put the laptop on bedroom when laptop is on
  •  Take care your cleanliness of laptop
  • Kept your laptop from electromagnetic vibration
  • Cleared up the incircuit cable
  • Take care laptop's battery 
  • Don't put something on lapto
  • Don't try to move laptop when it on
  • If your laptop is matter , don't to try fix it by yourself

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Gift Card

Benefit of Grape

Grapes can be made a beverage or can be ate unripe. This fruit has many benenfit for healty, such as treat of constipation and other disgetion annoyance. There are 11 benefit of grape :

Grapes can be used to asthma treatment. Except that , assimilation power of grapes also higher so can increase the damp in pulmonary.

Heart Disease
Grape can be increase oxida nitrat  content in blood , that prevent blood geation so can decrease possibility of heart disease.

Grape is home's medicine that important to treat migrain , you can consume every day.

Grape very effective to coped constipation. Grape is reputed as natural digestion medicine because it's include organic acid, sugar, and selulose. That componen also can be easy the constipation cronic.

Digestion Annoyance
Grape roles important play i dyspesia. Grape calm cold and treat digestion annoyance and stomach irritation .

Grape can fill repeat sink in body and prevent the tired. Drink grape juice also can provide instant energy. Antioksidan taht present in grape also give ab encouragement that need for immunity system.

Kidney Annoyance
Grape is substantial can decrease indicated vien acid and decrease pressure of kidney work

Breast Cancer
A new research was founded  grape juice can prevent breast cancer. Decrease tumor time happen by significant after mouse's laboratory is given grape juice.

Alzheimer Diseases
The study showed grape can be increase brain health and delayed the emerge neurodegenerative diseases.

Degenerasi Makula
Grape can prevent the lost of sigh concerned the age or degenerasi macula.
Cataract Cancer
Grape include flavonoid and it's rich with antioksidan , that can be decrease and prevent damage that cause by free radical like the cataract.


6 Reasons must drink mineral water when sport
Energy drinking identical with pepole that sport. But actually drink mineral water is suggested when you do physical activity. Why...????

Dehydration Prevent
Who know sport in or outdoor, both can cause our body is dehydration. So  important to our for filling requirpment body liquid with mineral water.

Body Temperature Control
When sport, metabolism happen and make temperature body increase. So you must drink mineral water to control and come back body temperature that back normal.

Substituler of Perspiration
Sport identical with out of perspiration as one of shape of metabolism. Drink mineral water is needed of substituler of perspiration or lost of liquid.

Drink mineral water after sport also can refresh our body, because usually sport makes our body tired and need many energy.

Save Calorie
After sport, unfortunately if you drink energy drinking. Because it same the calorie is burn castaway because you add the new. That will not happen if you drink mineral water.

Often Advantages
Be drink mineral water so our body have opportunity to usually break in a middle of physical activity. So after all enough, you will not so tired.