Biodiversity may occur at various level at life, ranging from low level organism to higher organism.
Example of single called organism to a multicelluler organism, and the level of a organization of the lives of individual through complex levels of interaction, for example , from species to ecosystem.
Broadly speaking biodiversity is devde into three levels namely :
- Gene Diversity
2. Diversity of species
The diversity is more easyly observed than the gene diversity. This level diversity can be demostrated by the wide range of different species including both group of animal, plan and microba.
3. Ecosystem Biodiversity
This level of biodiversity can be shown by the variation of ecosystem in biosphere. Example : most ecosystem , tropical forest ecosystem, desert ecosystem, each ecosystem has a unique organism to the ecosystem. Example again , the desert ecosystem in which there is a camel, catus , and tropical forest ecosystem in which there is a tiger.
These three kind of biodiversity can not be separated from one other. All three are considered as a whole or totality is as biodiversity.
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