The word of tahajud come from "hujud' that's mean is sleep. Then the tahajjud can be understand by Al-Biqai that mean leave the sleep to do shalat. This shalat also called shalat Lail or nigh shalat, because this is did at nigh same time with sleep time. In letter of Al- Muzzammil, verse 6th-7th, Alloh firman's :
"Actually wake up at nigh, they are havier and literature at this time more burn. Actually for you at afternoon is long activity."
From that verse there are 2 points that very burn for our.
- Intentional to wake up at nigh
- Literature at nigh has efect and impact are more burn, intentional wake up at nigh just can be did by person who has stronger plan.
In history, shalat tahajud is never leave by Rosululloh for his long live never trough one nigh wiyh shalat tahajud, even he was war.
Shalat tahajud is special because nothing shalat sunnah except tahajud that offered by Al-Qur'an . Eventhough other shalat sunnah just until hadis's Rasulullah SAW . Berwen the superiority of shalat tahajud ere followed :
- For people that did shalat ahajud, they will get reward shalat that firstly after shalat fardu.
- Second , they will be people who near with Alloh SWT as Alloh firman's : " Alloh more near with his selve at last nigh. Therefore, if you able to be people who remember Alloh at that time, so did it.
- Third superiority, will be people that always loved by Allah SWT . As SAW prophet say : "Fast most loved Allah is Daud's fast and shalat is most loved is Daud's shalat. He [ Daud ] sleep a half nigh and wake up to shalat a third nigh , then sleep again . He also can one day fast and one day broke fast."
Magical Power of Shalat Tahajud
There are wisdom shalat tahajud for people that shall do. they will be has low profile as Allah firman's : " And selves God that great lover is peple is walked on earth by low profile and if people are ignorant accost their , they say the great word. And people trough nigh that with bow and stand for their God. "
Second wisdom, they will be as people always thanksfull to God , as that explained in SAW prophet hadis's : " Actually Rosulullah SAW stand and shalat until two his leg's or his calf is swollen, so the answer : Didn't I am people that many thanks to God. "
The other wisdom can free the node evil and can be our body is healthy and fightingfull.
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