Semarang State University ( UNNES) is one of campus in Central Java, it's located in Sekaran, Gunung pati, Semarang.It's conservation campus. UNNES is leaded by Mr. Sudijono Sastroatmojo, but now he resign because he nominate to be a vice of governor Central Java.
UNNES has 8 faculties , there are FIP, FBS, FIS, FMIPA, FT, FIK, FE, and the last is FH. Each faculty has some majorities for example if you want to be an accounting you choose accounting depatment on Economic Faculty.
To regiter in UNNES can trough 3 lines there are SNMPTN , SBMPTN , and SPMU. You can register by SNMPTN if you have good mark in your raport , and you have good opportunity to follow it. SBMPTN is 2nd line if you don't accept in SMPTN and you must follow write test in certain place by goverment. And the last is SPMU , it's special line that hold by UNNES.
In UNNES also prepare many shcoolarship, and most venomenal as bidik misi shcoolarship because just UNNES that prepare the most capacity . Except bidik misi shcoolarship also prepare many shcoolarship such as BBM , PPA , Djarum, Supersmar , etc.
UNNES also has dorm wich located at Gading Raya, Gunungpati and arround FIK faculty. This dorm is priority for new students whom get bidik misi shcoolarship. And for live there you must register firstly because it's must be selected.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
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