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Saturday, March 30, 2013


Shalat Tahajud and Cancer

Shalat tahajud is appear just not make people who do to get a praiseworthy place beside of Allah SWT but also our healthy. Dr. Muhammad Sholeh's research the docent of IAIN Surabaya, one of shalat sunnah that can free someone from infection attack and cancer disease. This is like a joke but Dr. Sholeh was proved this case in long research chain about how effect sholat tahajud to increase exchange respond body durability imonologics.

In this research tahajud just not be value with pray added or sholat sunnah, also pray has a miracle, it's can make to increase our body strenght . And if do by continue , move exactly , calm and sincere. In medical, shalat tahajud make a respond our body strenght especialy to imonoglobin M, G, A and this limfosit, that's a perception and positive motivation, and calm effectly individual skill to reply the problem that deal.
That mean shalat tahajud not just enough fall the statue shalat. This emphasize in daily shalat, move exactly , calm , and sincere. As long time canonists look sincere problem as issue physic mental. But this problem can be proved with medical thecnology. Sincere as long time is looked as mystery , can be approved trough kortisol hormon.

Therefore in a research 41 respondend student of SMU Luqman Hakim POndok Pesantren Hidayatulloh, Surabaya is found that condition someone that diligent shalat tahajud by sincere different from someone didn't shalat tahajud.

They are diligent and sincere shalat tahajud have body strenght and individual skill to reply the problem that deal with calm. So except shalat tahajud is value as pray also related with physicologic than can be influence control condition.


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