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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Beatiful Place


Embung is syntetic lake in UNNES. It's located at language and art faculty. Embung is favorite place in UNNES. It's usually is used to fishing or to other students activity.

In a centre o embung there is a gazebo and we can feel the beatiful  panorama there.
The water of embung  is got from houskeeping dump's and then is filtered with sterile process.

 UNNES's Library

This place is very important to students because library is knowledge's source . This building have 3 floor's and the central books in 2nd and 3th floors.

This library also has a system that regulated all borrow with books. It's very clean and tidy place because every day it's cleaned by cleaning service , it's also large place and he books collection is very complete . And all the students need in there.

SUTERA Monument
This place is symbol of  UNNES , SUTERA is short of  Sehat , Unggul , and Sejahtera.

It's located in front of Rektorat's building , this monument is arrounded by water fall and the whole of street are trees.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Semarang State University

Semarang State University ( UNNES) is one of campus in Central Java, it's located in Sekaran, Gunung pati, Semarang.It's conservation campus. UNNES is leaded by Mr. Sudijono Sastroatmojo, but now he resign because he nominate to be a vice of governor Central Java.

UNNES has 8 faculties , there are FIP, FBS, FIS, FMIPA, FT, FIK, FE, and the last is FH. Each faculty has some majorities for example if you want to be an accounting you choose accounting depatment on Economic Faculty.

 To regiter in UNNES can trough 3 lines there are SNMPTN , SBMPTN , and SPMU. You can register by SNMPTN if you have good mark in your raport , and you have good opportunity to follow it. SBMPTN is 2nd line if you don't accept in SMPTN and you must follow write test in certain place by goverment. And the last is SPMU , it's special line that hold by UNNES.

In UNNES also prepare many shcoolarship, and most venomenal as bidik misi shcoolarship because just UNNES that prepare the most capacity . Except bidik misi shcoolarship also prepare many shcoolarship such as BBM , PPA , Djarum, Supersmar , etc.

UNNES also has dorm wich located at Gading Raya, Gunungpati and arround FIK faculty. This dorm is priority for new students whom get bidik misi shcoolarship. And for live there you must register firstly because it's must be selected.


Shalat Tahajud and Cancer

Shalat tahajud is appear just not make people who do to get a praiseworthy place beside of Allah SWT but also our healthy. Dr. Muhammad Sholeh's research the docent of IAIN Surabaya, one of shalat sunnah that can free someone from infection attack and cancer disease. This is like a joke but Dr. Sholeh was proved this case in long research chain about how effect sholat tahajud to increase exchange respond body durability imonologics.

In this research tahajud just not be value with pray added or sholat sunnah, also pray has a miracle, it's can make to increase our body strenght . And if do by continue , move exactly , calm and sincere. In medical, shalat tahajud make a respond our body strenght especialy to imonoglobin M, G, A and this limfosit, that's a perception and positive motivation, and calm effectly individual skill to reply the problem that deal.
That mean shalat tahajud not just enough fall the statue shalat. This emphasize in daily shalat, move exactly , calm , and sincere. As long time canonists look sincere problem as issue physic mental. But this problem can be proved with medical thecnology. Sincere as long time is looked as mystery , can be approved trough kortisol hormon.

Therefore in a research 41 respondend student of SMU Luqman Hakim POndok Pesantren Hidayatulloh, Surabaya is found that condition someone that diligent shalat tahajud by sincere different from someone didn't shalat tahajud.

They are diligent and sincere shalat tahajud have body strenght and individual skill to reply the problem that deal with calm. So except shalat tahajud is value as pray also related with physicologic than can be influence control condition.

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Miracle of Shalat Tahajud

The Superiority of Shalat Tahajud

The word of tahajud come from "hujud' that's mean is sleep. Then the tahajjud can be understand by Al-Biqai that mean leave the sleep to do shalat. This shalat also called shalat Lail or nigh shalat, because this is did at nigh same time with sleep time. In letter of Al- Muzzammil, verse 6th-7th, Alloh firman's :

"Actually wake up at nigh, they are havier and literature at this time more burn. Actually for you at afternoon is long activity."

From that verse there are 2 points that very burn for our.
  1. Intentional to wake up at nigh
  2. Literature at nigh has efect and impact are more burn, intentional wake up at nigh just can be did by person who has stronger plan.

In history, shalat tahajud is never leave by Rosululloh for his long live never trough one nigh wiyh shalat tahajud, even he was war.

Shalat tahajud is special because nothing shalat sunnah except tahajud that offered by Al-Qur'an . Eventhough other shalat sunnah just until hadis's Rasulullah SAW . Berwen the superiority of shalat tahajud ere followed :
  1. For people that did shalat ahajud, they will get reward shalat that firstly after shalat fardu.
  2. Second , they will be people who near with Alloh SWT as Alloh firman's : " Alloh more near with his selve at last nigh. Therefore, if you able to be people who remember Alloh at that time, so did it.
  3. Third superiority, will be people that always loved by Allah SWT . As SAW prophet say : "Fast most loved Allah is Daud's fast and shalat is most loved is Daud's shalat. He [ Daud ] sleep a half nigh and wake up to shalat a third nigh , then sleep again . He also can one day fast and one day broke fast."

Magical Power of Shalat Tahajud
There are wisdom shalat tahajud for people that shall do. they will be has low profile as Allah firman's :        " And selves God that great lover is peple is walked on earth by low profile and if people are ignorant accost their , they say the great word. And people trough nigh that with bow and stand for their God. "

Second wisdom, they will be as people always thanksfull to God , as that explained in SAW prophet hadis's : " Actually Rosulullah SAW stand and shalat until two his leg's or his calf is swollen, so the answer : Didn't I am people that many thanks to God. "

 The other wisdom can free the node evil and can be our body is healthy and fightingfull.

Account Receivable

  1.  Receivable Definition
Receivable is right or claim to other side of individual or corps of money or service. Account receivable company happen because there is a transaction goods sale and service with credit payment. Receivable devide  into 3 kind :
  • Account Receivable
Account receivable is a debt company to customer as result of goods sale or service by credit with debt and it isn't followed by agreement letter's formal, but there is trust element and capability company.
  • Non Trade Receivable
Non trade receivable is a debt company to other side or third side that appear or happen because  there are not transaction goods sales or service by a credit.
  • Notes Receivale
Notes receivable is a debt company to other side or third side , use letter of agreement. This letter of agreement it's means receivable has position is stronger , so just not a tust.

Procedure of Accounting Receivable

Konvention Method
In this method posting for accounting receivable is availed one account receivable for record one debtors , so in ledger there are more account receivable suit with amount of debtors so don't need ledger of account receivable becaose in ledger was detail for account receivable.

Account Receivable as Account Control
In this method , beside account receivable as subsidiary ledger in ledger is availed in one account to mutation receivable commonly . The transaction related with mutation receivable such as : sales credit , sales return credit , accept cash and receivable , receivable deleted.

Record of Bad Debt Account Receivable
On sales credit the risk of resulting account receivable that can't be dun. The account receivable that can't be dun is caused of many factors , example debtors bankrupt or didn't the live place.

 The method of bad debt account receivable :
Bad debt account receivable
In this method bad debt is recorded direct in one period at happen bad debt by making a journal:
Bed debt Expense                                      Rp xxxx
       Account Receivable                                           Rp xxxx

The Elimination method
In this method every last period is did evaluation on account receivable whose has company, so is got appraisal loss of account receivable is doubted can be accepted the payment. The record of journal in this method :
Bad debt expense                                     Rp xxxx
     Allowance of Doubtful debt                                Rp xxxx

Cash Accounting

Cash is current assets in a company that consist of paper money or coins and other letter, it has characteristics like money that mean can use as payments utensils or exchange media, however cash is assets that doesn't productive, it's mean it can't cause revenue, so far not exchange with other assets.
That is way the characteristics, then the accounting way on cash be important, especially for interesting cash analysis control.

Cash Composition
 Beside of cash characteristic above , the includes cash group such as :
  • Cash
  • Save money at bank that taken everythings
  • Check that accepted as payment from other side
  • Traveler check is check that out by a bank to service relation that did long travel cost, example transportation cost, and lodging cost. 
          Advantage use traveler check, this check can be likuid at branch bank publisher in other city, so don't  need to bring cash in many amount , except that if lost can be exchange by publisher bank.
  • Casier check is check that made and is signature by a bank , are pulled by bank. This Casier check is command letter from bank to other bank it self for doing payment to other side.
  • Pos points includes in cash group because of characteristics can be immediately be cash in need.
This isn't includes of cash :
  1. Time deposit : save money in bank that just use it taken after time period.
  2. Securitas
  3. Money is available to purpose.
  4. Notes Receivable
  5. Post date check
  6. Postage stamp